Panda German Shepherd Characteristics, Color, Size and Character

The panda german shepherd dog is a beautiful species whose genetic mutation gives rise to one of the most beautiful animals and quoted since 1 out of every thousand german shepherd dogs It has this peculiarity, making it unique in its kind: a true beauty of nature.

More information on the other types of German Shepherd.

German Shepherd Panda

Panda German Shepherd Dog Characteristics

Also known as Panda Shepherd He is a piebald German Shepherd. He is well proportioned and very strong. Piebald coloration has occurred in only one GSD bloodline. He is 35% white in color, the rest of the color is black and tan, which makes him more attractive than the rest of the german shepherd puppies.

There are usually many doubts surrounding this breed, so those who search for the term “pastor panda” tend to come to the conclusion that panda herders carry a white gene at the S locus (which normally causes dogs to have white markings).

However, that’s not true. Much of what you see online is misinformation. So what is the truth about this incredible breed?

Origin of Your Race

Franka was the first panda German shepherd. Both of her parents were pure German Shepherds and were blood tested to be Franka’s parents. Her parents had job titles that meant they were tough, watchdog police dogs.

Needless to say, upon seeing this very different pup, the breeder was shocked, so UCDavis (in charge of doing the studies) proceeded to run tests on Franka’s DNA.

UCDavis discovered that Panda is a result of mutation of the KIT gene. The KIT gene controls cell functions, and this gene inadvertently affected color. There are no known health problems associated with the gene, and it is known to occur in other species and breeds.

What is the KIT Gene?

KIT mutations are known to cause blue eyes and always cause random white markings. White often resembles Irish White or Piebald White, which appears at the S Locus in other dog breeds.

Now, it is important to mention that the Panda German Shepherd does not possess the normal white markings on a collie or cattle dog. Normal white markings are (as far as has been studied) incompletely dominant and occur at the S locus. Scientists so far know which genes a dog has at the S locus, allowing them to determine what causes the coloration in the dog.

panda german shepherd dogs

Gene Expression

Mutated KIT dogs cannot “carry” the gene without expressing it. The gene is dominant too, so it’s very easy to trace back in lineages. Unless a pup has randomly mutated the KIT gene, one parent MUST have a visible KIT mutation to produce panda offspring.

So these factors are important in determining if there is any chance that the parents will have a chance at having a panda German Shepherd puppy.

Physical Characteristics of the Panda German Shepherd

This species has characteristics very similar to those of the common German shepherd, and they are:

  1. Have a robust, muscular, slightly elongated body with a light and solid bone structure.
  2. The head is always in proportion to its body, and the forehead is slightly rounded.
  3. The nose is usually black although sometimes it is shown in blue color, but it is considered a failure and cannot be displayed.
  4. The teeth meet in one strong scissor bite.
  5. The dark eyes are almond-shaped and never protrude.
  6. The ears are wide at the base, pointed, vertical and forward. The ears of puppies younger than six months may drop slightly.
  7. The bushy tail reaches almost to the hocks and hangs down when the dog is at rest.
  8. The front legs and shoulders are muscular and thighs are thick and sturdy.

Panda German Shepherd Temperament

Often used as working dogs, Panda German Shepherds are enthusiastic, alert, bold, cheerful, obedient, eager to learn, calm, confident, serious and intelligent, with a high learning ability, as well as being extremely faithful and braveso they won’t think twice about giving their lives for their human caretaker.

They are very family dogs

This means that they love being close to their families, but can be wary of strangers. This breed needs its people and should not be left isolated for long periods of time like Sable German Shepherd. They only bark when they deem it necessary.

Because of his audacity they are often used as police dogsthe Panda Shepherd has a very strong protective instinct and is extremely loyal to its handler, so aggression and attacks on people are due to poor handling and training, so this aspect must be watched.

panda german shepherd

Difficulties that could arise regarding your personality

Now, almost everything is good in these beautiful puppies, but problems arise when an owner allows the dog to believe that he is the leader of the pack over humans or the dog is not given the mental and physical exercise it needs to stay stable.

This breed needs owners who have natural authority over the dog in a calm, yet firm, confident, and consistent manner, so they must be firmly trained in obedience from a young age.

A beautiful and outstanding breed

This is not a breed that will be happy just lying in the living room or locked in the backyard. The breed is so intelligent and learns so easily that it has been used as a herding dog, guard dog, in police work, as a guide for the blind, in search and rescue service and in the military.

panda german shepherd It is one of the most outstanding races, and his nose can even detect frogs. You have one? Be a good caretaker and train him very well and you will see the benefits of these beautiful dogs.

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