Types of German Shepherd Coats: Different Coats of German Shepherds

There are many types of German Shepherd coats. German Shepherds are great dogs for many different types of families. They are intelligent, loyal, and make great protectors. German Shepherds come in a variety of coat types that can make them more or less hypoallergenic.

types of german shepherd coats

Each coat has its own unique purpose and benefits. In this article, we will discuss the different types of coats that German Shepherds can have and German Shepherd coat length types. We will also talk about the benefits of each type of coat. So, whether you are a German Shepherd owner or just interested in learning more about German Shepherd coats, keep reading!

Types of German Shepherd Coats

German Shepherds are basically double-coated dogs. This means that they have two types of fur: an outer coat and an undercoat. The outer coat is the longer, coarser hair that you see on the dog’s back. The undercoat is the softer, fluffier hair that you see on the dog’s belly and legs. Both types of fur serve important purposes.

 german shepherd coat length types

The outer coat protects the dog from the elements. It is waterproof and helps to keep the dog warm in cold weather. The undercoat insulates the dog and helps to regulate its body temperature. It also protects the dog’s skin from irritation caused by the outer coat.

Here are the most common types of German Shepherd coats that we see:

  1. Short with an undercoat
  2. Medium with an undercoat
  3. Long with an undercoat
  4. Long without an undercoat

Let’s understand more about each type of coat.

Short with an undercoat

This is the most common type of German Shepherd coat. The dog’s fur is short on the body and legs, but it has a thick, dense undercoat. This type of coat is easy to care for and does not require a lot of grooming. This type of German Shepherds are called shorthaired or stock hair.

The main benefit of this type of coat is that it is easy to care for. The short fur does not require a lot of brushing and the thick undercoat provides good insulation for the dog. This type of coat is also less likely to get tangled or matted than other types of German Shepherd coats. If you are bringing home a cat with a German Shepherd already at home, then check this guide on German Shepherds and Cats.

Medium with an undercoat

They are called Plush German Shepherds. This type of coat is medium in length and has a dense undercoat. The fur on the legs may be shorter than the body fur. This type of coat requires more grooming than a short-coated dog, but it is not as high maintenance as a long-coated dog.

The main benefit of this type of coat is that it provides good insulation for the dog. The dense undercoat protects the dog from cold weather and keeps it warm in the winter. This type of coat also does a good job of protecting the dog’s skin from irritation caused by the outer coat.

Long with an undercoat

This type of coat is long and has a dense undercoat. The fur on the legs is usually the same length as the body fur. This type of coat requires a lot of grooming, but it does provide extra protection for the dog in cold weather.

The main benefit of this type of coat is that it provides good insulation for the dog. The dense undercoat protects the dog from cold weather and keeps it warm in the winter. This type of coat also does a good job of protecting the dog’s skin from irritation caused by the outer coat.

Long without an undercoat

This is the least common type of German Shepherd coat. The dog’s fur is long and does not have an undercoat. This type of coat requires the most grooming of all the types of German Shepherd coats. The long fur can become tangled and matted if it is not brushed regularly.

The main benefit of these German Shepherd coats is that it does not shed as much as a dog with an undercoat. This type of coat is also less likely to cause allergies in people who are sensitive to dog fur.


As you can see, there are a few different types of German Shepherd coats. Each type of coat has its own set of benefits. So, which type of coat is right for you and your German Shepherd? Ultimately, the decision comes down to personal preferences and your lifestyle. Hope this article on helpful. Visit German Shepherdss for more useful articles.

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