German Shepherd Age Chart: How Old is My Dog in Human Years?

German Shepherd Age Chart: Do you have a German shepherd and want to know how old he or she is in human years? Or maybe you’re just curious about the average lifespan of a German shepherd. Either way, you’ve come to the right place!

german shepherd age chart

In this article, we will discuss the average age and weight of German shepherds of different ages. We will provide a German Shepherd aging chart that can help you determine your dog’s age in human years. We will also provide a weight chart for GSDs, so you can track your dog’s growth. Keep reading for more information!

German Shepherd Age Chart in Human Years

German Shepherds on average live between 9 and 13 years. However, this number will differ based on a number of factors such as diet, exercise, and genetics. German Shepherd age chart is a chart that shows how old is your dog in human years.

german shepherd age chart human years

To figure out your German Shepherd age in human years, you can use the following German Shepherd age chart human years based:

Dog’s Age (in years) Small Dog’s Age
in Human Years 
Medium Dog’s Age
in Human Years
Large Dog’s Age
in Human Years
Giant Dog’s Age
in Human Years
1 15 15 15 12
2 24 24 24 22
3 28 28 28 31
4 32 32 32 38
5 36 36 36 45
6 40 42 45 49
7 44 47 50 56
8 48 51 55 64
9 52 56 61 71
10 56 60 66 79
11 60 65 72 86
12 64 69 77 93
13 68 74 82 100
14 72 78 88 107
15 76 83 93 114
16 80 87 99 121

How To Convert Dog Years into Human Years

If you want to calculate your dog’s age in human years yourself instead of using the German Shepherd age chart, there is a simple formula you can use. Multiply their age by 7. So, if your German shepherd is two years old, he would be the equivalent of a 14-year-old human.

To get a more accurate estimate of your dog’s age in human years, you can also use a weight-based formula. This formula takes into account the fact that small dogs tend to live longer than large dogs.

The weight-based formula is:

For example, if your German shepherd weighs 50 pounds and is two years old, their age in human years would be:

50 x 0.0156 + 14 = 22

As you can see, using this formula gives a slightly higher estimate than the first formula. Now that you know how to convert your German shepherd’s age into human years, you may be wondering about their weight.

German Shepherd Weight Chart by Age

To ensure that your German shepherd is growing at a healthy rate, you should keep an eye on its weight. You can do this by using a German shepherd growth chart. These charts are created by taking the average weight of German shepherds at different ages and plotting them on a graph.

 german shepherd weight chart by age

The following chart is an example of a German shepherd age chart for both height and weight for male and female dogs.

Male German Shepherd Growth Chart

Age Height Weight
1 month 4 – 6” 5.5 – 9 lbs
2 months 7 – 9” 16 – 20 lbs
3 months 9 – 11” 22 – 30 lbs
4 months 11 – 14” 35 – 40 lbs
5 months 14 – 16” 40 – 49 lbs
6 months 16 – 18” 49 – 57 lbs
7 months 19 – 20” 57 – 62 lbs
8 months 20 – 22” 62 – 66 lbs
9 months 21 – 23” 64 – 71 lbs
10 months 22 – 24” 66 – 73 lbs
11 months 22 – 24” 71 – 75 lbs
1 year 22 – 24” 71 – 79 lbs
1.5 years 23 – 25” 71 – 79 lbs
2 years 23 – 23” 71 – 84 lbs
3 years 24 – 26” 79 – 88 lbs

Female German Shepherd Growth Chart

Age Height Weight
1 month 3 – 6” 4.5 – 8 lbs
2 months 6 – 9” 11 – 17 lbs
3 months 8 – 10” 17 – 26 lbs
4 months 10 – 12” 31 – 35 lbs
5 months 12 – 14” 35 – 44 lbs
6 months 15 – 17” 44 – 49 lbs
7 months 17 – 19” 49 – 53 lbs
8 months 18 – 20” 53 – 57 lbs
9 months 19 – 21” 55 – 60 lbs
10 months 19 – 21” 57 – 62 lbs
11 months 20 – 22” 60 – 64 lbs
1 year 20 – 22” 60 – 64 lbs
1.5 years old 21 – 22” 60 – 66 lbs
2 years 21 – 22” 60 – 66 lbs
3 years 22 – 24” 66 – 70 lbs

As you can see, German shepherds gain the most weight during their first six months of life. After that, their growth starts to level off. However, they will continue to fill out and add muscle mass until they are about two years old.

Keep in mind that this is just an average weight chart. Some German shepherds may be larger or smaller than the weights listed on the chart.

Check our other article: How to draw a German Shepherd

When Do German Shepherds Stop Growing?

German Shepherds are considered to be fully grown by the time they are 18-24 months old. However, they will continue to fill out and add muscle mass until they are about two years old.

If you have any concerns about your German shepherd’s growth, you should talk to your vet. They will be able to tell if your dog is growing at a healthy rate.

when do german shepherds stop growing in height

Now that you know all about the average age and weight of German shepherds, you can use this information to figure out your dog’s age in human years. You can also use it to track your dog’s growth and ensure that they are growing at a healthy rate.

How Old is My German Shepherd in Human Years?

You can find out how old is your German Shepherd in human years in two ways.

  1. By checking the German Shepherd age chart in human years
  2. By calculating the age of your German Shepherd using the formula.

For the second method, you can use the formula that is mentioned in the article. Multiply your dog’s age by 7 to get their approximate human years. For example, if your German shepherd is two years old, he would be the equivalent of a 14-year-old human.

You can also use the weight-based formula that is mentioned in the article. This formula takes into account the fact that small dogs tend to live longer than large dogs.

Now that you know how to see a German Shepherd age chart and how to calculate their age, you can use this information to track their growth and ensure that they are growing at a healthy rate.


We hope that this article on the German Shepherd age chart has been helpful in answering your questions about German Shepherd age and weight! Remember, if you ever have any concerns about your dog’s health, be sure to consult with a veterinarian. As always, thanks for reading! And feel free to share this article with anyone who might find it helpful. Stay tuned to German shepherds!

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