1 Month German Shepherd Puppies: How To Take Care of Them

If you want to know how to take care of 1 month German Shepherd puppies, this article is for you. When you bring home 1-month-old German Shepherd puppy, you’re not just adopting a pet, but welcoming a new family member who needs your constant care and attention. These little fur balls are indeed adorable, but they require a specific care regimen to ensure their healthy growth and development.

 1 month old german shepherd puppies

If you have 1 month German Shepherd puppies or planning to adopt one, you need to know everything about their height, weight, behavior, diet, and care. This blog post will provide you with all the necessary information to help you take care of your furry friend. Learn how to take care of your 1 month German Shepherd puppies, from feeding schedules to initial training practices.

1 Month German Shepherd Puppies

At 1 month, your German Shepherd puppies are still vulnerable and dependent, needing your constant care. At this age, they have a lot of growing to do so it is essential that you provide them with the right nutrition, exercise, and training.

Height & Weight

1 month German Shepherd puppies are typically between 5-7 inches tall and weigh around 4-6 pounds when healthy. Although they are small, German Shepherds grow quickly and can reach their full height within a year.

 1 month old german shepherd puppies

At 4 weeks old, the average weight of a German Shepherd puppy is about 7-10 pounds, and their height is around 7-8 inches. You can expect your puppy to reach an adult height of 22-26 inches and a weight of 50-90 pounds, depending on their gender.


German Shepherd puppies are known for their high energy levels and playful behavior. At 1 month old, they are very curious and love exploring their surroundings. They will start teething, and you need to provide them with lots of chew toys to help relieve the discomfort.

They are also very social and love being around their people. You need to start socializing them at an early age by exposing them to different people, sounds, and environments. You need to provide them with a safe and comfortable environment to grow and develop, and also give them the necessary care and attention they need to thrive.


1 month German Shepherd puppies will still be feeding on their mother’s milk. However, you can start introducing them to solid foods. You can start with soft, moistened puppy food, and gradually transition them to dry kibble. It is essential to feed them a balanced diet rich in protein and fats, which will help support their growth and development.


Taking care of 1 month old German Shepherd puppies is no easy task, but it is rewarding. You need to provide them with a safe and comfortable space to live, sleep, and play.

1 month old german shepherd weight

You need to keep them clean by giving them regular baths and grooming them. You also need to take them to the vet for regular checkups and vaccinations to ensure they stay healthy.

Potty Training

Since the puppies are still too young to control their bladder and bowels, potty training should not start until they are at least 8 weeks old. Until then, you need to take your pup outside for regular bathroom trips every two hours. This will help them develop good potty habits in the long run.


If you are planning to get 1 month German Shepherd puppies, you need to know everything about their height, weight, behavior, diet, and care. With proper care and training, your German Shepherd puppy will grow into a loyal, loving, and well-behaved companion. We hope this article was helpful. Stay tuned to German Shepherdss for more interesting and useful guides related to German Shepherds.

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