12 Week Old German Shepherd: How Much Should a 12 Week GSD Weigh?

If you are a pet parent of a 12 week old German Shepherd, congratulations! You have made an excellent choice in choosing this wonderful breed as your companion. But, you are nervous about taking care of your furry friend? Don’t worry.

12 week old german shepherd

This article will provide all the information you need to know about caring for your pup: from their expected height and weight at this age to nutrition and exercise needs. Knowing how to properly care for your 12 week old German Shepherd will ensure that they grow into a happy, healthy adult dog. So let’s get started!

12 Week Old German Shepherd

German Shepherds grow really fast during the first few months, and your pup is no exception. At 12 weeks old, a German Shepherd should be approximately 7 to 10 inches tall (from paw to shoulder) and weigh between 25 and 30 pounds. As puppies, they tend to look disproportionally long in comparison with their height!

German Shepherd’s size varies depending on the gender, so males are typically taller and heavier than females. As your pup grows, you should take regular measurements to ensure that they’re growing properly. GSDs are also prone to degenerative myelopathy. Check full details about German Shepherd Degenerative Myelopathy here. 

Caring for your 12 week old German Shepherd involves providing them with proper nutrition and exercise, taking them to the vet regularly, and offering plenty of training to help them develop into happy, healthy adult dogs.

Nutrition and Exercise

Your 12 week old German Shepherd will need high-quality puppy kibble specifically designed for large breeds like the German Shepherd to help them grow healthy and strong. Puppy kibble contains all the essential nutrients to keep your pup strong and healthy.

 how much should a 12 week old german shepherd weight

In addition, it is important to provide ample exercise for your 12 week old German Shepherd. Taking them on daily walks, having playtime in the backyard, and setting up some agility exercises are great ways to not only keep them active but also mentally stimulated as they learn new skills and commands.

Health Care

In addition to proper nutrition and exercise, it is important to provide your 12 week old German Shepherd with the necessary health care. This includes regular vet checkups, vaccinations, and flea prevention treatments. Talk to your veterinarian about any other health concerns you may have for your pup. 


The diet is one of the most important aspects of caring for your 12 week old German Shepherd. Feeding them high-quality puppy kibble will give them the nutrition that they need to grow and remain healthy. In addition, fresh fruits and vegetables can be added to their diet as treats. Just make sure to avoid anything with seeds, pits, or other hard chunks as these can be a choking hazard.


If you have a 12 week old German Shepherd, it is important to start training them early. This will help you create a strong bond with your pup and establish a foundation for good behavior. You can start by teaching basic commands like “sit”, “stay”, and “come”.

With practice and patience, your pup will soon be a well-behaved adult dog. Also, know German Shepherd temperature tolerance so you can prevent health issues and make sure your pup is comfy.

How Much Should a 12 Week Old German Shepherd Weight?

how to care for a 12 week old german shepherd

The weight depends on the gender of your pup, but a 12 week old German Shepherd should weigh between 25 and 30 pounds. You can keep track of your puppy’s weight by taking regular measurements and consulting with your vet if you have any concerns.

How Tall Should a 12 Week Old German Shepherd Be?

German Shepherd puppies typically grow up to be pretty tall. At 12 weeks old, a German Shepherd should be approximately 7 to 10 inches (from paw to shoulder).


Caring for your 12 week old German Shepherd is not as daunting as it may seem! Overall, 12 week old German Shepherds are a joy to be around and bring so much love into our lives. With proper nutrition, exercise, and health care, your pup will grow into a happy, healthy adult dog. Good luck with your pup and enjoy the journey! Visit German Shepherdss for more informative articles.

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